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Senin, 01 Juni 2015

Basic Structure Code Template Blogspot

before stepping away in the editing template template possible introduction to the basic structure of this blogspot need to be prioritized, especially for the first time to get to know blogspot. on this occasion I will present blogspot template structure in outline only that hopefully can help you learn new editing blog.g hopefully this can help you learn a new blog editing.

blogger pal good afternoon everyone and at this time I pingin kesemoatan post code on blogspot template structure, which may be useful to for beginners who are new to blogspot and happy tamper - ngatik blog template And here ane want to try to explain in outline just easy - I hope the information below can help buddy - buddy all.
If the buddy - buddy curious please see the image below as a shadow.
Kalu see picture above means the Code template structure is divided into several sections:
1. Body                              2. Outer wrapper
3. Header                           4. Main Wrapper / Area Post
5. Sidebar Left / Right       6. Footer

And Code - the code before each structure - each has its own usefulness, try to see the explanation below:

BODY : In this area the entire content or the content of the blog accommodated, this area is marked with a code beginning with the tag <body> tag and end code </ body> tag where the code among storing almost all the HTML code, but it could be to keep Javascript or CSS yet most are storing HTML code. for a new blogger template code <body> it is
  <body expr: class = '& quot; loading & quot; + Data: blog.mobileClass'>

OUTER Wrapper : This area is a frame or wrapping of the whole part of the template, which consists of a header, sidebar, main wrapper / post and footer. The outer wrapper in the usual template for code CSSnya # outer-wrapper or .outer-wrapper being at HTML code
<div id = "outer-wrapper"> and ends with </ div>. but for a new blogger template outer-wrapper code has been replaced with content-inner that for my friend who uses a new blogger templates please search code instead of the content-inner-outer wrapper.

HEADER : This area is the area that is located at the very top, in general, this area contains the title and description of the blog and can be also added to the navigation menu at the top or underneath, sometimes there is also often used to put the image / banner ads in addition to the title of the blog. code which used to be in this area include the header-wrapper, header-inner, outer header.MAIN Wrapper / POST : This area is the most important in a blog and this is the most substantial, here save some sections that include the post title, Fill posts, comments and other information may also be related to the blog.LEFT SIDEBAR : This area is an area located on the left blogs, commonly used to store accessories widget or blog. code used for this lsidebar, sidebarleft.

RIGHT SIDEBAR : This area is the same as the left sidebar but its location is on the right. 

Footer : This area is the bottom, here is usually to put copyright or proprietary information blog. 
Note : Create a new blogger who uses the template there may be some differences role in code but in essence the same, so please just pal adjust it

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